Profile Validation: Selection of validation rule and profile upload

Step 1: Selection of the validation rule

The Reference Advice and Validation Tool performs a self-validation of individually selected data elements in DATEX II selection profiles (*.sel format). Therefore, validation rules composed of predefined DATEX II data sets and validation criteria are provided for testing your profiles with regard to the requirements coming from EU Delegated Regulations (currently available for profiles with regard to Priority Actions e - Secured Truck Parking Areas).

After performing the validation check, you will be provided with a comprehensible guidance on missing or wrongly indicated data elements and an overview of data elements being compliant with the selected validation rules. Missing selections will be highlighted as they are represented in a separate section.

For testing your DATEX II profiles, please select first the preferred reference profile to test against:

Supporting Documents

Step 2: Upload of profiles (Selection files)

In order to start the self-validation, please upload at least 1 and up to 3 DATEX II profile selection files (*.sel format). The validation check will automatically detect, whether the pre-selected data elements of the reference profiles are covered by your profile selection.

Your upload files are only stored temporarily for the duration of the validation and are deleted immediately after the report has been provided!

User ProfilesUser selection file upload (*.sel files only)

Optional: Additional to the reference selections, display all user profile selections in the validation report :

Validation may take some seconds